V rámci partnerskej spolupráce na podujatí SARIO Business Day V REGIÓNOCH Vám ponúkame formu partnerstva vo výške 500 € za nasledujúcich podmienok:
Agentúra SARIO si vyhradzuje právo prednostného schválenia partnerstva.
Partnerstvo je platné odo dňa zaplatenia faktúry.
Vyberte si Partnerský balíček priamo pri registrácii
V prípade Vášho návrhu na iný rozsah partnerstva kontaktujte arvova@sario.sk
Within the Partnership cooperation at the event SARIO Business Day V REGIÓNOCH, we offer you a form of partnership in the amount of 500 € under the following conditions:
The SARIO agency reserves the prior right to approve the partnership.
The partnership is valid from the date of the invoice payment.
Choose the Partnership Package directly during registration
In the case of your proposal for a different scope of partnership, please contact arvova@sario.sk
Organiser |
Schedule | |
Registration | 5th April – 24th May 2024 |
Booking of B2B meetings | 25th – 30th May 2024 |
Event | 4th June 2024 |
Details | |
Language | English |
Costs |
On-site 70 € Each additional person 50 € Partnership 500 € |
Venue | Banská Bystrica, Slovakia |
Bilateral Meetings | |
Participants | 68 |
Meetings | 145 |
Participants | |
Slovakia | 63 |
Austria | 1 |
Germany | 1 |
France | 1 |
United Kingdom | 1 |
Sweden | 1 |